If you look for it
– you will see it.

Harry Korman

It’s a project. And it’s evolving. Sort of.

So what’s it about?

It’s about my 15-20 years of experience in the field of large group processes. Working with the concepts of World Café and Open Space and since 2008 putting it into a solution-focused (SF) context has made me want to put into words what I do, how I do it, and why I think it’s working so well.

And I also want to look at, write about and share the thoughts of those who inspire me and influence how I think about large group processes.

Who is this for?

To be honest, me. I want to figure out what I am doing. Well, I know that what I do is working well – otherwise, clients wouldn’t come back, and I wouldn’t be able to make a living out of it.

It’s good to know what doesn’t work,
but it’s really helpful to know what does.

Steve de Shazer

I’m a practitioner. And I like to play. And improvise. And I have a basic respect for other people.

I think those are some of the key ingredients in what I do well. Let’s explore this and see if I can bring my know-how into the world.

This website is to be seen as a sketchbook. It has a structure, but it’s far from finished.


 Best wishes,

Jesper H Christiansen


10 + 11 =

Jesper H Christiansen

Jesper H Christiansen

Facilitator | Coach | Trainer

I live in both Switzerland and Denmark and have been self-employed since 1997, working for both private and public organisations, small and big businesses.

As a trained Kaospilot (Project Management, Leadership and Entrepreneurship education), and Systemic-Narrative Consultant, professionally brought up in the world of World Cafe dialogue, I took a jump from systemic theory to solution-focus in 2005 and am now also certified as a Solutionsurfers Brief Coach and trainer.

Since 2014, I have been certified ICF Professional Certified Coach.

After discovering the simplicity of working with goals and resources in teams and large groups, solution-focus has become the core competency in all my work.

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