Preparation: Simply point out the 1 and 10 in the room.

1. Think of something you would like to learn/be good at in the upcoming weeks/months/year:
– A skill, professional tool, a habit you would like to change etc.
– It can be in your work or in your private life.

2. 10 is the CONFIDENCE that you are going to achieve the above goal. 1 is the opposite:
Please place yourself on the scale where you are right now.

3. Turn to the person closest to you and share:
– What is already clear to you that give you (that much) confidence?
– What else?

4. Everybody: Now turn your back to the 1 and look at 10. Please stand 1 higher up the scale. Turn to the one closest to you (might be the same might be different) and share:
– How will you know that you have reached this further step?
– What will be different?
– What else?

5. Everybody: Now turn your back to the 1 and look at 10. Please consider and take position:
– How high on the scale do you want to come?
– What will be different then?
– What else?

6. Everybody: in same pairs. What are your next steps from now?